
अगस्त 29, 2011

Live by the word of God

Filed under: God, Jesus, Spirit, life — the3rdone @ 4:01 अपराह्न

Are you born again? Born of God, by his word and Spirit?
Then you are a son of God. Jesus has given you a right to become a son of God. Behold what manner of love the father has lavished upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Now are we the sons of God, what we shall be is not yet known.
Jesus as the prototype of the children of God is our fore-runner. Our example. When the devil tempted him to fill his stomach by a miracle turning the stones in to bread, He replied that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. That is how children of God are to live – by the word of God.
I value the word of God. I listen to God, I keep the sayings of God in my heart and do it. Recognizing that I am a child of God and that I am not only in this physical world but also a citizen of heaven, I need to feed my spirit with God’s word or I cannot live in a manner that pleases my heavenly father.
How valuable is the word to you? Will you go on without a regular diet of the word? Make up your mind to meditate, memorize, and make the word of God the most important thing in your life. Jesus is the word of God. Let us live for him and by him.

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